Blog Archives

Taking off the honey at Cork Apiary

Our final demonstration took place on Saturday August 23rd when the supers were removed from the colonies.  The demonstration was primarily for those who started last Autumn with our beginners classes and then moved on to the practical demonstrations in

Posted in Archive, CCBKA, Event Archive

Cork Beekeepers success at Gormanston 2014

Gormanston Summer school 2014 finished up end of July. Cork Co beekeepers were well represented at the summer school and numbers attending were the highest on record, with day visitors way up on previous years. The programme was full and

Posted in Archive, CCBKA, Event Archive

NIHBS queen rearing day at Coolmore Farm June 1.

Mark Newenham of Coolmore Farm hosted a queen rearing session on Sunday June 1st. The weather just about held out . About 30 people attended where they were instructed in marking queens, use of incubators & hot boxes, grafting, hive

Posted in Archive, Event Archive

COLOSS 2014 Survey on Colony losses

Colony losses are a serious problem facing beekeepers as indicated by the high losses (37%) experienced by Irish beekeepers last year. Although this season, the situation looks more positive, it is still important to quantify the losses and identify the

Posted in Archive, General Information, Projects, Resources

Beginners at CCBKA apiary.

Cork Co Beekeepers brought the beginners to the apiary on Saturday 19 April 2014. The apiary has 6 hives at the moment , 1 commercial , 1 national poly , 2 rose hives and 2 more nationals. Samples were taken

Posted in Apiary, Archive, Beginners, CCBKA, Event Archive