

The Federation of Irish Beekeepers (FIBKA) operates a 3 part syllabus. CCKBKA facilitates the preparation for these formal beekeeping examinations.

The complete FIBKA syllabus and requirements for examinations at all levels is available here in PDF format:  FIBKA Examination Levels, Syllabus, and Requirements

To stay up-to-date with FIBKA exams, check out their Education page.


Beginners start with the local association beginners classes. These are a series of lectures, which are held each autumn over 8 weeks.

A FIBKA certificate of attendance is awarded to those who attend the lectures.

This is followed by practical demonstrations at the CCBKA apiary. Details of the CCBKA Beginners Course are located here.

Formal Examinations and Certificates

For those pursuing formal beekeeping examinations, CCBKA organises a number of study groups who prepare for the examinations run by FIBKA.

FIBKA Examinations

Basic Beekeeping

Available to candidates who have kept their own bees for a minimum of 12 months and completed a list of activities, outlined in the FIBKA syllabus.

Intermediate Certificate

Available to candidates who hold a FIBKA certificate of attendance for the Beginners course.

The intermediate exam cycle consists of three examinations: scientific written, practical written and apiary practical.

Intermediate Apiary Practical

The beekeeper will present his/her apiary, (customarily expected to contain at least three strong fully functional hives), and the records maintained over at least three years, to the examiners for inspection.

Senior Certificate

Available to candidates who have fully completed their Intermediate certificate.

The senior exam cycle consists of three examinations: scientific written, practical written and apiary practical.

Senior Apiary Practical

The beekeeper will present his/her apiary, or apiaries and the records maintained over at least five years, to the examiners for inspection.

A minimum of five full stocks of honeybees for 3 years will be required.


Candidates must hold a senior certificate from FIBKA and be a current member of a FIBKA association.

On the application form, the candidate will submit one practical topic acceptable to an association that can be delivered in 30 min.

Honey Judge

The examination process is open to those who hold the Intermediate certificate as a minimum.

The candidate must produce written evidence of being a successful exhibitor and must give a list of shows on an excel spread sheet, with full details of their exhibits. They must also submit evidence of having served as a judge’s steward.

The final exam is a combined oral and practical test.