The Association was invited by Richard Wood to have a Tree and/or Shrub planting in the area of his house, and at the Association Apiary on Saturday 2nd November. Over 20 members came along (on a fairly wild autumn day) with a variety of rooted shrubs and saplings of Nectar and Pollen bearing varieties.
Planting began at 2.00pm and Fr James McSweeney closed the bee-keeping year with a prayer and blessing.
This was followed by Tea and assorted homemade cakes etc brought by various members at Richards house.
We would like to sincerely thank Richard for this wonderful afternoon and for his continued support and use of his grounds for the Association Apiary. It’s very much appreciated. Thank You.

November 2nd Tree Planing Posse with our host (minus the latecomers who did manage to get in for the cakes)

Our Host Richard Wood receiving a small token of appreciation from Bob McCutcheon Secretary of CCBKA
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