No to More Slash and Burn! Campaign Launch

The Irish Wildlife Trust, Birdwatch Ireland, An Taisce and the Hedge Laying  Association of Ireland have come together to launch a petition to persuade the Government to reverse its decision to makes changes to Section 40 of the Wildlife Act, which will allow for the burning of vegetation in March and the cutting of hedgerows in August.

Our hedgerows are a vital refuge for many native wildlife species in a landscape with little native woodland compared to other countries. Hedgerows provide food, shelter, nesting sites, habitat corridors and are an essential component for flood defenses, preventing soil erosion and the silting of rivers as well as carbon sequestration. Our hedgerows and upland habitats need proper management, though. Landowners and farmers must be supported to manage them in a way that works for farming, road safety and wildlife. Under existing rules, landowners have six months between September and February to manage hedgerows and uplands effectively and there is provision for hedgecutting for safety on our roads. Therefore, this decision is unwarranted, will cause a significant blow to already threatened wildlife species and goes against advice submitted by Birdwatch Ireland, An Taisce and the Irish Wildlife Trust.

Full petition details at

Links for:

Irish Wildlife trust.

Birdwatch Ireland

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