Blog Archives

Beekeepers code of conduct

BEEKEEPERS CODE OF CONDUCT All Beekeepers should be aware of the beekeeper’s code of conduct and make every effort to adhere to the guidelines. 1. To site my hives and apiaries away from places frequented by the public where they

Posted in Beginners, CCBKA, General Information, Resources

Insurance, registration and DAFM

To All Beekeepers   I sent a mail in mid-September addressing the confusion around our insurance and requirements for registration with the Department of Agriculture (DAFM), and I’d like to follow up with the current status. In particular, many beekeepers

Posted in CCBKA, General Information

COLOSS Survey 2017

Please complete the the COLOSS Winter Loss Survey which you will see is again being conducted on behalf of the National Apiculture Programme through University of Limerick for Teagasc and DAFM.   Survey online at  

Posted in CCBKA, General Information, Resources

Neonicotinoids – Not just bees in danger?

A report issue by EASAC suggests that a focus on honey bees has distorted the debate around neonicotinoids. But there is more and more evidence that widespread use of neonicotinoids has severe effects on a range of organisms that provide

Posted in Bee News, General Information, Resources

RTE programme on Bees

RTE One will be showing a program called “GLIONDAR – Honeybee Heaven” on Monday the 16th of March at 19:30. Some of it was shot in Gormanston last year

Posted in Bee News, General Information, Resources