Are you a beekeeper looking for an apiary site or a farmer looking for bees for pollination or a company with room for beehives looking to fulfill your greening requirements. FIBKA met with the grain growers etc where some of…
Are you a beekeeper looking for an apiary site or a farmer looking for bees for pollination or a company with room for beehives looking to fulfill your greening requirements. FIBKA met with the grain growers etc where some of…
The winter of 2019/2020 was mild and bees needed a lot of feeding. We surveyed our members in April 2020 on their winter losses and the winter losses of those who responded were 19% on full colonies with 35% losses…
BEEKEEPERS CODE OF CONDUCT All Beekeepers should be aware of the beekeeper’s code of conduct and make every effort to adhere to the guidelines. 1. To site my hives and apiaries away from places frequented by the public where they…
To All Beekeepers I sent a mail in mid-September addressing the confusion around our insurance and requirements for registration with the Department of Agriculture (DAFM), and I’d like to follow up with the current status. In particular, many beekeepers…