Monthly Archives: November 2013

Trained sniffer bees?

Two years ago the UK government funded a project to train bees to detect trace vapours of drugs and explosives. Under the government contract, Inscentinel, a spin-out of Rothamsted Research, developed a portable handheld sensor known as the VASOR136 (volatile

Posted in Bee News, Resources

CCBKA AGM December 4th 8pm

The CCBKA 2013 AGM will be held at the Bessboro Centre on December 4th at 8pm. The Centre is located off Skehard road in Mahon. See the Map on our Contacts page. The Sat Nav coordinates are: 51.885246, -8.409542  

Posted in Archive, CCBKA Previous AGMs, Uncategorized

Kim Flottum, editor of Bee Culture Beekeeping Magazine, Cork visit

The Yankee Store on at the Kinsale Road Retail Centre Cork had a launch of Root candles from the USA. Kim Flottum was in attendance to sign his book, he is also a beekeeper, editor of Bee Culture Beekeeping Magazine

Posted in Archive, Event Archive

Tree and Shrub Planting at Apiary

The Association was invited by Richard Wood to have a Tree and/or Shrub planting in the area of his house, and at the Association Apiary on Saturday 2nd November. Over 20 members came along (on a fairly wild autumn day)

Posted in Apiary, Archive, CCBKA, Event Archive