CCBKA AGM Dec 5th 7.30pm

AGM Wednesday December 5th at 730pm Bessborough Campus

The Annual General Meeting of County Cork Beekeepers’ Association will be held on: Wednesday December 5th at the Bessborough Centre, at 730pm sharp.


Google Maps location.


  1. Opening by Chair.
  2. Apologies for absence
  3. Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting
  4. Secretary’s Report.
  5. Treasurer’s Report and Accounts
  6. Apiary Manager’s Report
  7. Election of Officers & Committee
  • President
  • Chairman
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Committee
  1. Fixing the annual subscription
  2. Data Protection Policy for ratification
  3. Any Other Business
  4. President’s Summary

Light Refreshments follow

Posted in Archive, CCBKA Previous AGMs

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