Blog Archives

Swarmonitor – Whats buzzing?

The Swarmonitor project aims to develop a tool for diagnostic monitoring of honey bee colonies, by monitoring vibrations in the hive. This is an EU funded project carried out by a consortium of European partners led by the Bee Farmers

Posted in Archive, Education, Projects, Resources

Super and Brood Frame assembly instruction videos

We forget how things that the experienced beekeeper take for granted are a whole new experience for the beginner. Take Brood and Super frame assembly. After a good summer a beekeeper will have done dozens but the first few for

Posted in Resources

Neonicotinoids – Not just bees in danger?

A report issue by EASAC suggests that a focus on honey bees has distorted the debate around neonicotinoids. But there is more and more evidence that widespread use of neonicotinoids has severe effects on a range of organisms that provide

Posted in Bee News, General Information, Resources

RTE programme on Bees

RTE One will be showing a program called “GLIONDAR – Honeybee Heaven” on Monday the 16th of March at 19:30. Some of it was shot in Gormanston last year

Posted in Bee News, General Information, Resources

sampling varroa, sugar shake etc

We need to treat for varroa but if you want to sample your colonies to see the level of infestation check out our page on the various methods that can be used. The Sugar shake video is worth a view.

Posted in General Information, Resources, Useful Information