Cork Co Beekeepers brought the beginners to the apiary on Saturday 19 April 2014.

Class of 2014 beginners (and a few old hands)
The apiary has 6 hives at the moment , 1 commercial , 1 national poly , 2 rose hives and 2 more nationals.

Good Pattern that the beginners saw
Samples were taken from all hives before we started and they were tested on the spot for Acarine with a stereo scope and Nosema with a compound scope later in the evening . Appropriate action will be taken on each hive as a result.
The beekeepers interested in doing the intermediate apiary practical at their own hives later in the year were brought in at 1.00 and put through their paces for two hours and when the beginners came at 3.00 the intermediate class did the demonstrating under supervision.
The apiary is open to all our beekeepers on Saturdays from now until mid July 15.00- 16.30 should you wish to come along, bring a flask & have a cup of tea & a chat

Fresh comb

Ideal frame for the beginners to see.
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